Psalm 23:2

Scripture Reading - Psalms 23:2 KJV

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

In today’s lesson we will continue looking at the 23rd Psalm historically known as the psalm of “The Good Shepherd”. Of course the Good Shepherd is no doubt the Lord Jesus Christ because in the New Testament according to St. John 10:14 Jesus boldly proclaims, “I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.” In this particular Psalm we must always acknowledge who is The Lord and who is not. Since we know that The Lord is Jesus Christ Himself, or we could generally say God it is important to note that this psalm is being shared from the perspective of a sheep. Yes, the similarities between an actual physical shepherd and our actual Spiritual Shepherd are so astounding that it fits the parallel to a tee. So when the psalmist says “He makes” and “He leads” on the spiritual side David is speaking of his relationship with God. However on the practical side we can refer to a good physical shepherd and we must remember that King David started out his career as a good shepherd that cared protectively for his father’s sheep so he (David, the psalmist) knows exactly what he is talking about. So let us learn a little about shepherding because although the first part of the verse mentions that “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures” the real blessing he is talking about is “That the Good Shepherd first takes the sheep to green pastures.” We did notice that the word “pasture” is plural so if one pasture starts becoming brown or barren the shepherd will go to another pasture that is green. Why, did he mention green pastures simply because he wanted the reader to understand this means the sheep (not just one sheep but however large the group is) has food. They have complete provision because the shepherd has a good vision for his sheep. Amen! The thought is if I place you in a green pasture you don’t need to roam around for additional food. Yes, there is no need to eat in hurry because no one is chasing you so you don’t need to eat and look over your shoulder to watch out for yourself, doesn’t your good shepherd do that? Moreover, there is no need to stuff yourself beyond full because the whole pasture is green so we know there is more than enough food for everyone. This brings a better (more deeper) understanding of why the psalmist mentions sleeping upon the green pastures it is because your sleep is always sweeter when you know that you have adequate provision for the next day. We know that it is not good to worry about the future so being mindful of your blessing of provision is necessary to keep the right attitude in life. The sheep don’t need to worry about traveling the next day to find food because they are sleeping that night surrounded by food. They don’t even have to have their eyes open simply because they can smell tomorrow’s food today. This, our beloved faith friend, is living in prosperity from the sheep’s perspective all because they are provided for by (via) the Good Shepherd. Likewise our Spiritual Good Shepherd Jesus Christ meets all our provision because our God shall supply all our needs according to His Riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. Of course we can see an abundance of food for each sheep but that is one part of the blessing because sheep need food but they also need water too. This encourages us to continue reading the second half of the verse which states, “he leads me beside the still waters”. Now we notice that water is provided for also, such that the sheep have need of nothing. Think about it, they have fellowship with each other and the shepherd, they have a good government due to a good, strong and stable shepherd. The sheep have an abundance of both food and water which would inspire some to say they are living in the promise land. Yes it is true that the water is good for the sheep but it also allows more food to grow in that area. When water is restricted to a certain area we have followed history to find that many towns, cities or villages build around it. The wise man knows water is the key to life. Water seems to stabilize a whole community just because a strong reservoir of water allows much vegetation to keep both man and beast properly nourished and healthy for reproduction. The note that the sheep are kept by “still waters” does indicate that these waters are not hostile but rather calming. This is good news because who wants to try to get or even drink water that is running very quickly at a rapid pace. No, it is much better (easier) to drink from calm (still) waters because then the water is not fighting back. Again notice that the word waters is plural so we know there is more than one source with God. The Good Shepherd has lakes, streams, ponds, rivers and even an ocean if we need it. Now, we know since water is present we can be here a long time because we (the sheep) have all we need right hear and right now. Likewise, the more we partake of God’s Word, which is Jesus Christ, we sense the co-dependency we share for the Holy Spirit too because He Is the Water of God. For out of his (or hers) belly shall flow rivers of living water. And this he mentioned in regard to the Holy Spirit according to John 7:38 and 39. Moreover when the believer has both the Holy Word of God and the Holy Spirit working united as one in the believers life they too have everything they need to be successful right now in this age and also in the age to come. This pasture is the place of peace and also can be known as the place of praise. This property of provision is also known as God’s Purpose for man. Yes, sheep don’t try to complicate the facts they are seeing in their favor, they simply accept (enjoy) them one day at a time as they follow the Good Shepherd. Likewise, we as believers in Jesus Christ shouldn’t try to over think our own personal situation or our destiny but rather continue following Our Lord, The Good Shepherd Jesus into our green pastures one step (day) at a time. This doesn’t mean that challenges won’t arise but it does signify that the Good Shepherd is with us forever and He will never leave us or forsake us. Therefore we should enjoy the green pastures and feast on the abundant provision and whenever we get thirsty we simply go to the still waters to quench your thirst for more of God because He wants more of us while we desire more of Him. Yes, the abundant provision was not by accident but rather it serves the purpose of us drawing closer to God without distraction and God being able to meet our spiritual needs because the natural needs were already taken care of in Jesus Name. Amen!